Places to meet

Encourage impromptu meetings in the break area by providing refreshments that fuel minds and bodies.

Easy management

Eliminate the burden of in-house pantry service, including managing petty cash, by partnering with Cardinal Vending.

Choice selections

Pick the food, snacks, and/or drinks to be offered in the break room, including delicious healthy options.

Great benefit

Well run pantry service earns St. Louis Metro Area business a high level of employee appreciation.

Refreshments on demand

Nothing beats pantry service in boosting productivity and employee happiness.

It can be tough to attract talented employees in the St. Louis Metro Area. Businesses are turning to benefits such as pantry service to set themselves apart and encourage a positive workplace culture. Employees love the free food and drink options provided by the company through pantry service and employers enjoy a boost in morale and productivity along with simple, monthly invoicing for products consumed.

Beat expectations of the break room

Cardinal Vending can help you create a corporate kitchen or workplace pantry that impresses employees.

St. Louis Metro Area pantry service

Corporate asset

Turn the break room into an employee retention tool with expert pantry service from Cardinal Vending.

Pantry services for St. Louis Metro Area offices

Convenient solution

Provide quick and delicious drinks, snacks, and food options that will keep St. Louis Metro Area employees working.

Pantry service in St. Louis Metro Area

Wellness support

Up the effectiveness of the corporate health and wellness initiative by offering healthy items free to employees.

Consult with the pantry service experts at Cardinal Vending at 636.343.8866;

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