Custom design
Transform the break room into a unique space for St. Louis Metro Area employees to mingle and meet.
Popular products
Micro-markets are full of trendy food options from fresh sandwiches to the latest energy drink flavors.
Promotion programs
Benefit from promotions and digital rewards offered through the micro-market’s advanced payment system.
Add delicious, ready-to-serve meals to your custom micro-market today! Your St. Louis Metro Area employees will love the freshness and convenience of these grab + go meals.
A break room solution that
fits your need
Large and medium-sized St. Louis Metro Area businesses will see an immediate boost in morale from a bistro micro-market. The open concept and high-end fixtures showcase the latest, in-demand products, including healthy options. Let us make the most of your break room by transforming it into an on-site store for employees.
Micro-markets feature the latest in self-checkout technology
Pay by phone
Utilize mobile payment technology to make buying a micro-market snack fast and easy.
Secure 24/7
Stay safe with high-definition cameras that survey the micro-market around the clock.
Smart inventory
Never run out of product thanks to the connected kiosk that automatically orders a delivery.
Valuable promotions
Enjoy the latest discounts, deals, and loyalty rewards for purchases made at the micro-market.
Break room solutions you can trust
Cardinal Vending can bring your company the best micro-market experience in the St. Louis Metro Area.
Transform the break room at your St. Louis Metro Area business with a micro-market from Cardinal Vending at 636.343.8866;